
Vulnerability is the key to unlocking your awakening. Take a minute to chew on that. What are you afraid of? What parts of you are you afraid of showing to the world around you? Whether its your confidence in yourself at work or your confidence in your horsemanship skills, are you creating a false narrative? I know the saying is “Fake it until you make it.” Often times folks feel like they are “too young”, “too old” “not pretty enough”, “Not smart enough” and they find themselves struggling to be their authentic self because they don’t think its “good enough”. I have experienced this so much throughout my 20s and 30s. My little pea brain told me all sorts of things that had me believing the self doubt. I have finally realized that magic comes from being vulnerable. Identify the things you believe are weak or lacking about yourself. Its okay to acknowledge them!!! Once you know WHAT they are, then you can work on changing them. So much self growth happens when we identify our vulnerabilities and choose to change the way we think about them. It’s okay to not know everything. It’s okay to be on a continual journey of self help and growth. I believe in you! Keep striving toward becoming and embracing your Authentic Self.


First Attempt at a Blog….